About me



After my regular job are done for the day I just love to pick up my little hobby camera and head out to Mother Nature, searching for something to capture and sometimes share.

It started as an attempt  to be more healthy. You know …. fresh air, walking really, really fast and all that.  After a while I noticed  that walking in natur was an excellent way to clear my mind after a long day listening to other peoples problems. One day during my very fast walk something cought my eye. First one duck and then the rest of a very cute duckfamily turned up. To cute not to stop and enjoy the sight of a happy family  for a while…. and my walking got slower and as this happend I started to observe more…. and more. At that moment I decided to always carry a camera on my walkabouts. It has become my favorite thing to do, a hobby or lifestyle if you like.

A lifestyle that’s suites my alternative life very well.  You see, I’ve been having some problem in the mindfulness department. I could not seem to manage minfulness unless I meditated. One millions things on my mind everyday, totally unesseceary thoughts which most of us drag around. Until now….

Most of all I enjoy the mindfulness these trips into nature brings me. Beside that, I think looking for something colorful, and small motives are my next favorite thing to do. But also experiment a lot while taking pictures and sometimes in a editingprocess. I totally forget time, place and everything else.

I’m a mum to a unique teenager. He is unique just because it’s only one of him….the light of my life. Besides being a full time mum I  work as sort of a therapist and the group of people I work with are drug addicts. Getting to know their lifestories only make me appreciate my life, my family, my friends and freedom  even more.  Now I’m also a big fan of taking pictures, a kind of a amateur hobby photograph and a newbie blogger!!

Thank you for stopping by. Hope you enjoy !!



Please note:

I sincerely appreciate being offered awards but I do not accept them.

Your visits and response are the best reward I could ever get.


93 thoughts on “About me

  1. Thanks for dropping by my blog. I appreciate the follow. 🙂 I am most pleased to meet you and read your posts. 🙂

  2. Nice blog. You take fine photographs too. As a recovering alcoholic and a sloppy buddhist I can certainly relate to what you are saying.

    I don’t mean to be critical but your title spells lens with an “e” on the end. Do you mean that?

    1. Thank you. And thank you for notifying me about the spelling mistake. I will correct it. Not always easy to see mistakes since english is not my native language. But I guess you already figured that out 🙂

      1. No I didn’t know that about your english. It is very good.

  3. Thank you for checking my blog. I too am an amateur photographer and a newbie blogger. I picked up the camera the beginning of this year, and I find it very relaxing… perfect after a stressful day. Your photography is beautiful and I look forward to seeing more of it.

    1. Thank your for your kind words, likes and follow. I see that you are a writer. Not my strong side, but I love to read. Looking forward to follow you too 🙂

  4. Being a firm believer in the rewards of meditation for many years, I was most delighted to spend some time here this afternoon and enjoy myself. Your photography is terrific and the captions you have honored them with are magnificent. Thank you so very much for sharing them with us. I’ll be following to keep up with your posts.
    Have a beautiful evening

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words. I’m happy you enjoyed you visit here. I am looking forward to following you too 🙂

    1. Thank you. Yes it is. I think I probaly have developed an addiction to nature by now, with following withdrawals when something keeps me from going out 🙂

  5. I relate to these thoughts. They resonate with me strongly. I have a humble colletion of contemplative photos that I have not yet put online. For some years, I was making photos of objects and things that caused some consternation in others as they questioned why I’d be inclined to be interested in such “random” non-person snapshots. It’s nice to read about your mindfulness. I suspect I need to practice it more!

    1. Thank you Steve … so what are you waiting for, put the photos out there for all to see and enjoy. Don’t care what others think when you choose objects rather than people. It takes a great deal of mindfulness to find objects to photograph where others just walk by, not seeing at all.

    1. Thank you. Looks like you have a beautiful blog too. I don’t know much about poems, but I know what I like when I read stuff. Kind regards from Norway

  6. I’m glad I found this blog! As I was reading I could really relate, can’t wait to see more, great stuff 🙂

  7. Because I’m moving forward, traveling down a new path, you have reminded me I need to stop, breath, and back up. I will stand in place and practice what I already know. Let go of in my frantic scramble to figure out when or how I would achieve my goal.

    The Tao in its regular course does nothing (for the sake of
    doing it), and so there is nothing which it does not do.

    If princes and kings were able to maintain it, all things would of
    themselves be transformed by them.

    If this transformation became to me an object of desire, I would
    express the desire by the nameless simplicity.

    Simplicity without a name
    Is free from all external aim.
    With no desire, at rest and still,
    All things go right as of their will.

    1. Always a good thing the little reminders. Thanks for the wise words 🙂 And not forget: I do nothing, yet nothing is left undone 😉

  8. Thank you for stopping by Obzervashunal! This is a wonderful story and one of the best ways I can think of to increase one’s mindfulness. Well done!

    1. Oh thank you ever so much for thinking of me. I was really honored while reading why on your blog. However I’ve chosen not to accept any awards as notified on my aboutpage. Thank you anyway 🙂

      1. Oh my gosh, I apologize. I meant no disrespect. I certainly overlooked that bit towards the end of your about. I’m new at the blogging thing! I truly appreciate what you share!

      2. No problem, it’s not easy to see in all the text 🙂 I’m happy that you enjoy my blog and I appreciate what you share too 🙂

  9. Thoroughly enjoyed looking at your blog and reading your story. Love the title… I am a big fan of mindfulness, and your photos are stunning. Looking forward to following you and seeing more of your work. ~Rita

  10. Thank you for sharing your photos and comments. It is so lovely to find other people doing mindfulness this way; I don’t feel so alone any more.

    1. A fellow lover of mindfulness. Thank you 🙂 I think there are more of us who choose to do it this way. But not all are aware that they do 🙂

  11. I think most of us get that – our day job, which can suck the life our of us – and our passion which reinvigorates and rejuvenates us. I’m very happy I have my poetry, which has given me a deeper sense of awareness of myself and the world around me.

    1. Good for you 🙂 Everyone need some passion in their life. Some people are even so lucky that the day job are their passion. Maybe that is something to aim for 🙂

  12. Hi – Thanks for following my blog. I’ll be following yours too to keep up with your lovely photography.

  13. I have the same interest and use photography as a daily means of mindfulness. Cheers to you – we have found a way to go on! Lovely blog!

  14. Your photographs are stunning. What an eye you have for beauty. Have fun with your new camera!

  15. Thank you so much for following my blog “things
    understood”. I am inspired your incredible photographs and the reason for taking them. Thank you for sharing your inner calm and gift of “seeing”! 🙂

  16. Thank you for liking my post – it gave me the chance to visit your blog and see some of your photos, and you have just found yourself a new follower 🙂

    1. Thank you good Sire. You had some very fine photos that I liked, and thank you ever so much for the follow. I’ll follow you right back 🙂

  17. I think you have just given me the extra draw I needed to concentrate more on my blog. I am definitely going to look forward to reading more of your posts. This timing is amazing!

    1. Thank you Ann-Christine for your appreciation. I’m forever grateful, but as you can see on my about page I don’t do awards 🙂

  18. I loved your blog…you capture lovely images! I also like the neat layout of your blog! happy blogging!

  19. Would you mind if I shared your photography on Twitter? Would link back to your site. Love your photography and wanted to double check.

  20. Dropping by for a visit by way of Zombie Flamingos. Your photos have brightened my day! I look forward to following your blog. 😊

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